July 8, 2024
Sing “My Crown,” a song about hair love, with Fyütch.
Make collage masks with torn pieces of colored paper.
Watch a cheetah run as fast as a car driving 70 miles per hour.
Anna Scretching-Cole reads GO GET 'EM, TIGER by Sabrina Moyle and images by Eunice Moyle
Learn the meaning of "scrumptious" in Wordsville's “The Case of the Disappearing Donuts”
Mako from Figure Skating in Harlem shows how to practice a figure skating lunge.
You can be a helper by understanding and respecting how people are different.
Play a math and movement game making patterns.
Anna Scretching-Cole helps children learn about the digraph "ck".
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, pretend to be in a place where you feel happy and relaxed.
Anna Scretching-Cole reads GO GET 'EM, TIGER by Sabrina Moyle and images by Eunice Moyle.
LET’S LEARN all about us! Solve a word mystery, make a mask, play a math movement game.
Clips by Subject
Through activities and games, educators help students build reading and writing skills.